Top 10 Things You Should Know About WIBA Insurance in Kenya

Scrabble tiles spelling 'Health Insurance' on a calendar with pills.

What is Covered by WIBA?

What are the benefits covered under WIBA Insurance in Kenya?

  1. Death benefits of 8-year salary
  2. Permanent total disability benefit of 8-year salary
  3. Temporary total disability benefit of up to 104 weeks
  4. Medical expenses minimum benefit being Ksh. 30,000
  5. Occupational illnesses minimum as from Ksh. 4,000,0000
  6. Funeral expenses minimum benefit being Ksh. 30,000.

These benefits under WIBA Insurance in Kenya are stipulated by the WIBA Act of 2007 and they can be negotiated for based on your requirements as an employer.

Who benefits from WIBA?

WIBA insurance in Kenya is made to provide compensation for your employees as they discharge their duties as assigned by you. Therefore, the benefits are paid to the employee. The reason why you would need WIBA insurance in Kenya is because:

Why get WIBA insurance?

The need for employers to get WIBA insurance in Kenya is as follows:

Enhancing employee satisfaction

To ensure compliance with the law and avoid penalties and paying higher damages in the event of work-related injuries

Attract good employees

Retain good employees

Enhance and promote a healthy workforce

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